Insomniac Radio: The Wolf

I’m an insomniac.
Been one for years. There’s periods of time where I want to sleep but some level of executive dysfunction keeps my body from shutting down. I become too tired to write, read, or even think clearly. I usually go on image searches in a half-cognizant stupor, and sometimes I find stuff on the interwebs that is a little more video and a lot more audio.
Some of that stuff ends up being, well, good. Some of it is even great. I’ll stick something on repeat for hours or days while working on whatever I have to work on, using the familiarity of someone else’s created excellence to push my own forward.
And now I’ve decided to share some of what I’ve found. When something crops up and my waking mind thinks it’s cool, I’ll share it here. Spread the word.
Oh, and a word of warning – this video is not safe for work.
Y’know, I got nothing. I just really like this video, I like this song. It’s just cooooooool. It’s been on every playlist that I’ve made since I first heard it, and I stated the wolves in this video and have plans to use them as mid-level animals in several campaigns I’m running.
Music and lyrics are by . The video was animated, produced, and directed by Fer Suniga & RUDO Co. You can learn more about either party by clicking on their names.
Previous Installments of Insomniac Radio: