A New Year’s Eve Costume Ball at Wayne Manor

At the top of the week, I mentioned in passing that Tim Drake is a bit of a control freak. He is. We’re seeing it over in Detective Comics right now and that’s pretty great – but there are other places you can witness that and what happens when Tim loses control. There are times and places where you can get an up-close-and-personal visceral experience of it.
So, simple question I need to be asking my fellow Vancouverites: what are you doing for New Year’s?
The grand old tradition of celebrating a coming year has been tinged of late – since 2012, the world seems to get darker and more dangerous every year. We’re starting to see some stray bits of hope, sure, as corruption is exposed and evil reveals itself, but the streets are still dangerous and finding a safe place to celebrate can be a risky thing.
So why not celebrate heroism in a way designed to recharge your batteries and kick 2018 off with the best possible vibe?
Geekenders is throwing a New Year’s bash where you get to pretend to be part of the Gotham elite, invited over to Wayne Manor for an evening of fun and excitement – a night where the rogues that haunt the darkest city in the DCU have decided to crash and make their presence known. The Geekenders players take the roles of the most infamous villains Gotham has to offer and the heroes that oppose them in an interactive story, all while providing good food, good drink, and good company.
From Geekenders themselves:
This isn’t the first time Geekenders has done this: it’s becoming something of a tradition, with An Evening at Wayne Manor offered on rare occasion throughout the year at the Brock House Restaurant out near UBC. The Brock House Restaurant is pretty much a dead ringer for what you’d think Wayne Manor would look like and features a gorgeous view of the city and a lovely sense of isolation that just heightens the feel of the whole experience.
Tickets come in two varieties: both include Complimentary Hors D’Ouevres and Specialty Chef Attended Stations all night, a Complimentary Glass of Sparkling Wine upon Arrival and at Midnight, party favors, and access to the cash bar.
General admission tickets will run you $191.66 and grant you access to Wayne Manor from 8:30 pm onwards. Pretty neat. I’ve opted to go for the Friends of Harvey Dent tickets, though, which gain you early access as of 7:30 pm and an open bar for that first hour. Dinner is, of course, provided, and is up to the usual fabled standards of the Brock House.
You can nab either sort of ticket by clicking here. Hope to see you there, and whether or not that happens – Happy New Year, all. Hoping your 2018 is excellent.