Movie Review – Vendetta

Movie Review – Vendetta

TOTAL SCORE 53% I was very excited for this movie. The Soskas had gone on record as saying that they wanted to do a Punisher movie and that this was their proof of concept. On that front it works – we now know that the Soska 

God of (Web) Comics – Sinfest

God of (Web) Comics – Sinfest

So, every week we do a review of that week’s comics called God of Comics. It’s worked out really well for us, and there’s apparently some people that really enjoy it. Thing of it is, there’s a whole host of comics that don’t have major 

God of (Indie) Comics – Super Sikh 001

God of (Indie) Comics – Super Sikh 001

So, every week we do a review of that week’s comics called God of Comics. It’s worked out really well for us, and there’s apparently some people that really enjoy it. Thing of it is, there’s a whole host of comics that don’t have major 

Carmilla the Webseries Season One Review

Carmilla the Webseries Season One Review

A while back, we were lucky enough to come across the first season of Carmilla. We were enchanted by it and decided to spread the word. We’re good like that. We got in about halfway through the first season and we became addicted, loving every frame 

Big Dumb Event Crossover Comics

Big Dumb Event Crossover Comics

“Yeah, most of my comics money goes to Image, Boom, or Valiant these days,” the Hero of Time told me. We were walking around Big Pete’s Comics on Free Comic Book Day, looking for new titles to read. He was steering clear of everything Marvel 

Movie Review – See No Evil 2

Movie Review – See No Evil 2

TOTAL SCORE93% One day you will die. There’s a saying that runs that only two things are unavoidable – death and taxes. Taxes are something that we’ve made up as a society, and they’ll fade with us. Death, on the other hand? Wherever there’s life, 

Movie Review: American Mary

Movie Review: American Mary

TOTAL SCORE 91% There’s a guy I know that gets very upset when he looks at the modern world. It’s hard to blame him. There’s people that think that Gamergate is seriously about ethics, as opposed to being about some jilted idiot getting revenge on a 

Movie Review – Dead Hooker in a Trunk

Movie Review – Dead Hooker in a Trunk

TOTAL SCORE 78% Dead Hooker in a Trunk. That’s a hell of an evocative title, especially considering the actual state of the hooker in question, but the events that whirl up around her make this trip worth it. Let us be straight, right from the start: 

Interview with Peter S. Beagle – Author of the Last Unicorn

Interview with Peter S. Beagle – Author of the Last Unicorn

Interview with Peter S. Beagle Date: April 21, 2014 (Back in April of 2014, Aaron Golden and Gregory Milne were lucky enough to get a chance to sit down with legendary writer, Peter S. Beagle, and his agent, Conner Cochran. They sat down and talked for 

Style vs. Substance – Fighting Games and Movies

Style vs. Substance – Fighting Games and Movies

Whenever some marketed narrative based media – video games, movies, comics, novels, et al – is successful there come a bevy of imitators that strive to duplicate that same success, but make a mistake when considering style vs. substance. Mostly, they focus on re-active marketing – 

Vikings – Raiding History

Vikings – Raiding History

TOTAL SCORE93% Drawing upon history to create entertainment is nothing new. Shakespeare himself was fond of crafting historical fan-fiction with works like MacBeth or Julius Caesar, and every writer before and since has added to the stock pile. Most of the time, these works are 

Fifty Shades of Do Not Want

Fifty Shades of Do Not Want

Fifty Shades of Grey is a textbook for abuse. It terrifies me that people are going to read this book or see this movie and think that this is an okay way to act, that any of the things that Christian Grey does are even the slightest shade 

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blacklist

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blacklist

There’s something to be said for James Spader. He’s an incredible actor who brings both a sense of joy and a sense of menace to his work. It’s always there, from Stargate to Boston Legal, this sense that he knows more than he’s letting on. 

Islamaphobia, Comics, and Kamala Khan

Islamaphobia, Comics, and Kamala Khan

This is why we talk a lot about comics. Stories are important, and comics do as much to inform our culture as anything else – maybe more, given how much pop culture draws from comics these days. Certain characters are important, and we keep saying 

Movie Review – Assault on Arkham

Movie Review – Assault on Arkham

TOTAL SCORE 89% Last week, we talked about how Justice League – Throne of Atlantis was a very pretty but ultimately forgettable movie. The animation, character designs, and voice acting were all about perfect, but the story made little to no sense and the character arcs were largely 

Mindful Trashy Television – How To Get Away With Murder

Mindful Trashy Television – How To Get Away With Murder

There used to be this thing, back in the dark days of the eighties, where people would complain about mindless trashy television. Programming like Married with Children and Rosanne used to be accused of it – programming without character, arc, or merit. The idea was that these shows were 

Evolving Television – Yes Plot, No Plot, Where Plot?, There Plot!

Evolving Television – Yes Plot, No Plot, Where Plot?, There Plot!

Elementary is one of those shows that polarizes people. It had the unfortunate timing to come out after BBC’s Sherlock, which got this whole Benedict Cumberbatch thing started by being, well, incredible. Sherlock translated Sherlock Holmes into the modern world in a believable way, with interesting characters and cases, 

Why Aren’t you Watching This? Constantine

Why Aren’t you Watching This? Constantine

“Hey, wanna watch Constantine?” I asked my friend. “The movie with Keanu Reeves?” He scratched the back of his neck, looking mystified. “No, no, there’s a TV series.” “Is it based on the Keanu Reeves movie?” “No, it’s based on Hellblazer, the comics that the 

Why Feminism Matters

Why Feminism Matters

Feminism. It’s somehow become a dirty word. People shy away from the sound of the word, from the label, treating the term like an invective or an insult. Feminism. To be labeled a feminist is be called a man-hater, to say that men’s struggles count as nothing. All 

Banshee – The Screaming It Will Not Stop

Banshee – The Screaming It Will Not Stop

“Hey, man, have you seen Banshee?” a friend of mine asked me. “No, never heard of it,” I answered, but I already knew I was going to. He had that look in his eye, that one that only shines when he’s found something unspeakably cool. 

Book Review – Cat’s Maw

Book Review – Cat’s Maw

Fourteen years ago, three kids living in the wilds of North Vancouver came together and changed the world. One of their number, Brooke Burgess, had a vision that he called Broken Saints, and with the help of the other two he fashioned one of the first 

Carmilla the Webseries Reviewed

Carmilla the Webseries Reviewed

Daylight Savings Time. What a terrible and outdated concept, or so I’m told – being an insomniac means I’m often a little behind on keeping track of our bi-annual time jump, though the differences between my cell phone and microwave are happy to remind me 

Hemlock Grove [Book Review]

Hemlock Grove [Book Review]

Hemlock Grove, by Brian McGreevy, 318 pages. TOTAL SCORE 73% I know exactly how I feel about this book. It’s been pretty well established that we were seduced by the Netflix Original Series. The first season had some problems with movement and momentum, but was strangely hypnotic 

Hemlock Grove – Season 1 & 2 [Review]

Hemlock Grove – Season 1 & 2 [Review]

I don’t know how to feel about this show. A year ago, a friend of mine recommended it to me. “It’s a Netflix original,” said he. “It’s got a rich pseudo-vampire and a Gypsy werewolf, and together they’re trying to solve murders that the werewolf 

A Eulogy for Batwoman

A Eulogy for Batwoman

Some people harp on me for reading comics. There’s this idea that comics are somehow a lesser art form, something meant for children. Some writers in the medium even believe that, letting that sense of disdain fill their works and turn them into petty indulgences 

A Thought Experiment: WCW and DC Comics

A Thought Experiment: WCW and DC Comics

So, while writing the God of Comics twitter feed this week and the following Afterthought, I got to thinking. It was not a terribly good thought, but it was one that made a lot of sense. Time Warner’s favorite source of creative properties, DC Comics, has been having some 

Fumbling Towards Maturity

Fumbling Towards Maturity

There’s this idea that giving something a rating because it contains nudity, foul language, sexual innuendo, drug use, actual sex, or ultra violence somehow makes it more mature than something that does not. This is something that needs to stop. None of those things are, 

Sarcasm is not a Crime

Sarcasm is not a Crime

Several months ago, on December 14, 2012, Adam Lanza walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School and opened fire. He killed twenty children and six teachers before killing himself, an atrocity that made him famous post-mortem and was one of the most violent and despicable acts 

Back to the Past

Back to the Past

This is not a post about history, which I love. It is not a post about things being established, which I also love. It’s not even about the idea of re-telling a story, or going back to a previous point in a story to flesh 

Narrative Fail: Mass Effect

Narrative Fail: Mass Effect

After a year’s time you’d think the pain of betrayal would fade. You would be wrong. More than a year after the fact and it still stings, the ache of what could have been as much a slap in the face now as it was 

Casual Kindness

Casual Kindness

Our passions and differences go a long way towards defining who we are and what we’re capable of – they are they very foundation of personal strength, and that is something that we need to remind one another of.  This is why I’m sick of 

The Death of Religion…

The Death of Religion…

I’m gonna piss some people off. That’s fine. It’s alright to be mad – religions have become one of the things we define ourselves by and use to explain the world around us. We believe, we have Faith, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s 

… and Faith from Ashes

… and Faith from Ashes

It’s been noted that physical laws tend to carry over from one scale to the next: the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Ideas, information, and systems are all the same thing. Even we, as people, are made up of different kinds of information, be that information 



Vampires have sort of taken a hit in the modern world. We’ve got the sparkly kind, and the southern kind, and occasionally the European kind, but we know all about them and they’re not terribly frightening anymore. Same goes for werewolves. Golems. Mummies. Ghosts sometimes 

Aaron Swartz – Hacktivist Hero

Aaron Swartz – Hacktivist Hero

Aaron Swartz (1986-2013) This man is the inspiration for this column. Everyone to be honored under this title is being done so in his name, and that needs to be said. Our sincere condolences to his family, first and foremost, for his loss. And our condolences 

Fraternity, Liberty, Equality

Fraternity, Liberty, Equality

I’m a Canadian. Living Myth Media, Inc, is based in Canada. That doesn’t mean so much anymore. Once upon a time, we divided ourselves primarily by where we were born and the culture we grew up in. The French were French, the Germans were German, 

Revenge of the Truth

Revenge of the Truth

Revenge. That’s kind of a loaded word. Revenge. But it fits. Last week, we talked about why and how integrity was replaced with bullshit journalism. It was a fun little piece that I’m sure upset quite a few people. So, now, let’s talk about what happens when 

Bullshit Journalism

Bullshit Journalism

You might not know this, but at one point news was supposed to be objective. Well, as objective as possible – true objectivity is impossible, as we’re all the sum of our perspectives and experiences. The news has always been slanted for or towards its