Geekenders present How I Met My Mother

Here’s the thing about Geekenders: they highlight the best parts of geek culture’s sacred cows and address whatever problems those cows might have.
Doesn’t matter whether they’re doing interactive theater, nerdlesque, or an off-Broadway style musical, Geekenders will bring out the best parts of whatever they’re parodying and address whatever is problematic about it.
Phasma and Hux get no character in the Force Awakens? Both become major characters in the Force A’shakin,’ complete with memorable story arcs of their very own. The T-Rex sort of vanishes partway through Jurassic Park? Jurassic Parody has the T-Rex sing a number about that very thing. Tim Drake is a bit of a control freak? Well… we’ll get to that on Wednesday.
For now, though, the important thing to remember is that the Back to the Future trilogy is one of the best series of films ever made, but there are some small things that haven’t aged well and were never really explained. Does anyone really think that Geekenders is going to let a chance like that slide by them?
So, yes, How I Met My Mother is going to take all the things we love and expand on them: Doc Brown is going to be more Doc Brown than you’ve ever seen him before. Marty is going to be the Martiest Marty. His family life is going to be highlighted, and Biff is going to be the giant asshole that we all know he was meant to be… but all of them are going to be more human than you’d expect, all of them will get a musical number, all of them will play on your heartstrings with the same deft skill Marty uses when playing guitar.
But don’t take my word for it. There’s a trailer:
How I Met My Mother: A Back to the Future Parody opens at the Rio Theater, playing from December 8-10th. Doors open at 7pm and the show begins at 8pm, with tickets selling for $20.00 a head. You can buy your tickets by clicking here. The show is meant for adults, so you will need ID to buy your tickets and get in.
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