God of Comics – Redlands #1

God of Comics – Redlands #1

Redlands #1 (Image Comics)

I don’t know a lot about this comic, not going into it. It’s being published by Image, it’s a horror book, and it’s being written and illustrated by Jordie Bellaire. That last one? That alone is enough to get me interested.

Jordie’s been working on some incredible projects for the past few years, adding her talents to comics like InjectionPretty Deadly,Moon Knight… she’s in high demand. Her colors and inks are insanely good, detailed and deep without being overly cluttered, and you know when you pick something up and she’s worked on it that it’s going to be gorgeous.

You also know that the writing is going to be excellent: Jordie tends to work on stories possessed of high quality. Like, seriously:MagnetoHawkeyeNowhere MenZeroVision – she’s in high demand and happens to be one of the nicer people in the industry, at least from the things I’ve heard. Inclusive, supportive, all that jazz. People want to work with her because of it.

I want to read her comics because I think they’re going to hit that level of quality right out of the gate.

She’s not in this alone, either. Vanessa Del Rey worked with Jordie on Zero (also from Image and worth hunting down), and is a talented writer and artist also, having worked on titles like DaredevilScarlet WitchDeadly Class… and if you’ve read her run on those titles than you know that her work lends itself to the macabre.

And that brings us here: to Redlands, Florida. A sunny town in a state that condenses and amplifies the insanity of an entire country. Jordie and Vanessa have decided to cut to the quick of that state, that country, that madness: bible-thumping police are losing control of their small hamlet, and a coven of killer witches is swooping in to take over.

The Witch-ness Protection Program is probably a better option at this point, peoples of Redlands. Just sayin.’

Although, the only way to cut to the quick of this will be reading the comic. I’m planning to do exactly that, and you should, too.

Living Myth Magazine
Originally Published: AUGUST 10, 2017

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