Night and Tree

Night and Tree

“You’ve been following me.” The words were said in a careful neutral tone. He looked up from his book and into her eyes, sighing and noting the page before putting it aside. To her ears he seemed more annoyed than ashamed, breath swollen with words 



When I was three I saw you in a dream. I did not know it then. It would be years before I understood what I saw. A decade and more of study and practice, seeking out the poorer places that still scar with the cracks 

Good Reading: Chronicles of Lumis

Good Reading: Chronicles of Lumis

Been a busy few months – got married a few times, fought off a hurricane to do it, and am currently staring at a black silver ring that my partner put on my finger. Did you know that black silver is a thing? I didn’t. 

The Broken World – Hooves

The Broken World – Hooves

Centaurs. He did not know where he had heard the word, but he knew it from somewhere. Horses whose heads had been replaced with the torsos, arms, and heads of men or women. These atrocities, though, were not headed by men and women but by 



The forest stretched on as far as Avaescent could see – twisted branches beseeching the heavens, clouds heaving like waves in a storm. Gale winds whipped his face with leaves and twigs, rainwater pressing like glass slivers against his cheeks. The first bolt of lightning 

The Broken World – Run

The Broken World – Run

Avaescent ran through the dark and the rain. Lightning curled into the clouds above him, sparking white through the twisting canopy and allowing droplets carried by howling winds to paint his flesh. The flashing light did not harry him, the dark hiding nothing from his 

Capture – Always Faithful

Capture – Always Faithful

The firelight flickers, a solitary figure huddled near it on the mountainside. The storm shatters the mountaintop, unknown powers unleashed above, but the figure does not look towards the breaking stone; instead, he cares for the shelter he has cobbled together and the fire it 

Capture – Twilight Kingdoms

Capture – Twilight Kingdoms

“I’m looking for Ja Dathi,” the newcomer said. She was trying to keep her voice steady, but the one so named heard that little quiver of fear. It was a sensible thing for her to feel. She had come to one of the cities of 

Capture – Jagged Shield

Capture – Jagged Shield

The Traditionalist faltered and fell to her knees. The young Shield stood over her, feeling the grin that split his features as she fell, the sweat that worked its way over his musculature. He towered over her as she crawled in the dust at his 

Capture – Nation of Scribes

Capture – Nation of Scribes

How long had it been since she’d slept? She could no longer remember. Stacks of books towered over her, distant arched ceilings, covering the sky and making any measurement of time impossible. There was merely one scroll followed by the next, lore traced from ages 

World of Mercedes Ketch – Goblin King Rising

World of Mercedes Ketch – Goblin King Rising

Below the homes and below the streets there is a place where vermin dream, where castoffs live and work and breathe – where nothing is what it seems. Here is where the worst go to thrive, where fever dreams are kept alive. The hidden and 

World of Mercedes Ketch – Perfect in Flaws

World of Mercedes Ketch – Perfect in Flaws

Persephone had long retreated into the underworld, and Everett believed that the place she entered the underworld from was Toronto. Cold and polite, the gray apple, the chill in the air seeping into people’s minds and hearts. It’s why he liked Toronto; the sense of 

Love is War 03:00:03:08

Love is War 03:00:03:08

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:03:08 – Figo Jera had always seen the world for its light. In his eyes, everything was beautiful. Everything had meaning. There were darker shades but they were perversions, not true things in and 

Love is War 03:00:03:05

Love is War 03:00:03:05

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:03:05 – Veskur Wyrd wore the very power of creation itself on her hand. The gaurn she had crafted made the world around her a loom, each thread something that she could pull at, weave, color, 

Love is War 03:00:03:04

Love is War 03:00:03:04

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:03:04 – There were moments, so many small moments, where Endrall missed Veskur. He didn’t understand why the woman just couldn’t keep her mouth shut and accept whatever treatment he chose to give her. 

Love is War 03:00:03:03

Love is War 03:00:03:03

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:03:03 – Sotaas watched as it all unfolded. There was nothing that could be hidden from him, not a moment that passed that he was unaware of. Oh, the warlords of the Coeecians thought 

Love is War 03:00:03:02

Love is War 03:00:03:02

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:03:02 – “Are you doing okay?” Risue asked, looking at the ragged woman that stood beside him. “I’m fine,” Veskur whispered. “Fine.” Risue was polite enough to say nothing. He knew all about Veskur 

Love is War 03:00:02:09

Love is War 03:00:02:09

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:09 – Endrall tended to the wounded. It was what he did out on the front lines, far from where his father’s long shadow would drape over him. He worked under an assumed name 

Love is War 03:00:02:08

Love is War 03:00:02:08

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:08 – Veskur was tired, isolated, alone. She had never minded being alone before Figo had come into her life, had handled being alone quite well, but now that she was used to basking 

Love is War 03:00:02:07

Love is War 03:00:02:07

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:07 – It was a strangeness, to be sure. Sotaas was uncertain how he felt about it, especially at first. There was a closeness between Veskur and Endrall that he didn’t want to get 

Love is War 03:00:02:06

Love is War 03:00:02:06

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:06 – Every time he said Sotaas’ name, Endrall shone. Veskur watched this with amusement at first, catching Endrall in his darkest moments and mentioning the wandering Ygg noble’s name, smiling herself when the 

Love is War 03:00:02:05

Love is War 03:00:02:05

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:05 – Where was he? Where was his darling child, his perfect son, the weapon that he had raised so perfectly? Lately he’d been acting like a dryw and Sahr sometimes wondered whether the child was 

Love is War 03:00:02:04

Love is War 03:00:02:04

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:04 – Risue Nihm of House Elhaz was one of the best politicians in his family. He could talk and negotiate, carried himself with an air of confidence that often rolled right over lesser 

Love is War 03:00:02:03

Love is War 03:00:02:03

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:03 – The Vanir held a beauty that Veskur never would have guessed at. She had found wonder in mathematics, in ritual and form, in her countless theories and the frozen world that surrounded 

Love is War 03:00:02:02

Love is War 03:00:02:02

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:02 – There was so very much to learn. Sotaas Ygg was one of the greatest minds of his House, a friendly quiet sort who got on well with everyone. His House had given 

Love is War 03:00:02:01

Love is War 03:00:02:01

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:02:01 – Life was a whirlwind of passion, sensation, joy. This was a truth that Endrall Sahr had long believed and now that he was beginning to venture out from underneath his father’s shadow 

Love is War 03:00:01:09

Love is War 03:00:01:09

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:01:09 – Thea’s plan was perfect. It was going perfectly. He had spoken about it with River many times over. He would come up and live with the Lady Wyrd and she would recognize 

Love is War 03:00:01:07

Love is War 03:00:01:07

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:01:07 – There were many warm mornings for Figo in the northern climes. He’d wake up and find Veskur nestling beside him, the madness that drove her in waking banished when fatigue finally overtook 

Love is War 03:00:01:05

Love is War 03:00:01:05

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:01:05 – River eased out of the carriage, straightened his jacket and slung his bow over his shoulder. The weapon was a trophy from when he had raided the Coeecians hordes as a boy. 

Love is War 03:00:01:04

Love is War 03:00:01:04

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:01:04 – Deeam Wsael, the Apparent of House Wynn, studied the ballroom around him with his usual aloof demeanor. He had made a study of contented stoicism, achieving in that air a perfection that all 

Love is War 03:00:01:03

Love is War 03:00:01:03

*** Read the First Chapter Read the Previous Entry *** – 03:00:01:03 – Figo Jera vomited into the basin that Jesam had left in his chamber. The Coeecian warlord had claimed the keep that Figo had been put in charge of when he had claimed Figo, 

Love is War 03:00:01:02

Love is War 03:00:01:02

Click here to read previous entry.   – 03:00:01:02 – They called her the Golden Champion. Hekro Gherlid of House Gebo had lost count of the soldiers that had come to her and told her that they believed they would survive this war only because 

Love is War 03:00:01:01

Love is War 03:00:01:01

– 03:00:01:01 – A storm was coming, the kiss of it cresting the horizon. Lady Veskur Wyrd watched the gathering clouds for a time, trying to remember if the storm was something she had called. She did not remember and could not think of a