Movie Review – Vendetta

Movie Review – Vendetta

TOTAL SCORE 53% I was very excited for this movie. The Soskas had gone on record as saying that they wanted to do a Punisher movie and that this was their proof of concept. On that front it works – we now know that the Soska 

Movie Review – See No Evil 2

Movie Review – See No Evil 2

TOTAL SCORE93% One day you will die. There’s a saying that runs that only two things are unavoidable – death and taxes. Taxes are something that we’ve made up as a society, and they’ll fade with us. Death, on the other hand? Wherever there’s life, 

Movie Review: American Mary

Movie Review: American Mary

TOTAL SCORE 91% There’s a guy I know that gets very upset when he looks at the modern world. It’s hard to blame him. There’s people that think that Gamergate is seriously about ethics, as opposed to being about some jilted idiot getting revenge on a 

Movie Review – Dead Hooker in a Trunk

Movie Review – Dead Hooker in a Trunk

TOTAL SCORE 78% Dead Hooker in a Trunk. That’s a hell of an evocative title, especially considering the actual state of the hooker in question, but the events that whirl up around her make this trip worth it. Let us be straight, right from the start: