Weekly Stories

Storytelling is about the oldest kind of magic there is.
We use stories to tell one another who we are – the legends, tales, and myths that exist around us show us different ways to be, our memories of stories of how we got to where we are now. Stories surround us, define us, and those that can weave a good tale are a sort of magician, holding people entranced with nothing more than words.
Jo Dworschak has a way with words and is well versed in the power of stories. She hosts two events that celebrate their power – one is monthly, and the other one – this one – is a weekly event that you can go to and maybe even share a tale at.
Once a week, Jo gathers some of the best storytellers she can find and has them spin five-to-ten minute fables at the Drive Coffee Bar in Vancouver, right on Commerical Drive. People gather to drink coffee, nab a snack, and listen as people tell tales from their own lives, from history, from wild imaginings. It’s great stuff, a good way to simmer down and let the tensions of the waking world drift past for an hour or two.
For the month of October in the year 2018, you’ll be able to listen to these stories tonight, then again on the 24th, and lastly on the 31st. You can nab tickets for any of those events by clicking on the date, and learn more about the Drive Coffee Bar by clicking here.
Ticket prices are by donation, so pay what you can or what you want. The tales begin at seven and run straight through til eight, so come settle and listen a while. It’ll do your soul good.