Lords of Lonsvale – Harkas Rockonian

Speak for the Land.
Raised among the Earth Speakers of Clan Rockonian, they have been tasked with protecting the land, seeing to both geography and the people that live there. Harkas learned the patience of arrow craft, the deep breaths and strong shoulders needed to hit a target. They learned to taste the air and to listen, to act as the land needs, accepting the task of keeping the world safe.
The land tells Harkas where they need to go, when corruption has seeped through the cracks of reality. They walk the thin edge of madness that holds the world solid, but the whole Rockonian Clan has never seen fit to do it alone – knightly order from across the world have taken inspiration from them. One of them was the Swann Covenant. He’s visited them himself, met the coming generation of Swanns and fought beside them, knows how their strengths complement his own.
Harkas Rockonian is a Hill Dwarf Beast Master Ranger. He’s neutral good, more concerned with the health of the forest than any individual tree. Through training and dedication, he’s learned how to speak to the land and controls an army of rats that can gather information, harry his enemies, and keep him safe. He’s wise, tough, and resourceful – and under his care, the land will be heard.
Reasons to play Harkas Rockonian:
- You want to keep the long view and pick your moments
- You like the idea of having feral minions at your beck and call
- You’ve always wanted to protect the world

Starting August 8th, 2019, Bard By Trade will be running an original weekly Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition game entitled The Lords of Lonsvale every Thursday at Big Pete’s Comics and Collectibles starting at 4pm and going to 9pm. Buy-in is $20/session, payable in advance.
The campaign is designed for four-to-six players and will feature adventures that change every month. It’s all-ages and all-levels-of-experience friendly, so if you’ve never played before but would like to give Dungeons and Dragons a try this would be a perfect opportunity for you.
Sign-up sheets can be found at Big Pete’s Comics and Collectibles, where you’ll be able to pick a date and character that works for you, but seating is limited so get in now.
In the coming week, we’ll be posting information on the characters and a little bit about your world. If you have any questions, please ask them here or contact Big Pete and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Thanks, and we look forward to playing with you.