God of Comics – Die

God of Comics – Die

God of Comics returns to take a look at Kieron Gillan and Stephanie Hans’ latest masterpiece, Die, and talkj about why it matters.

Captain Marvel – Higher, Further, Faster

Captain Marvel – Higher, Further, Faster

“This was pretty okay,” a friend of mine said, walking out of the theater. “I mean, I guess.” He guesses. I’ve heard similar things from a lot of people. This movie was not meant for them. This is a movie meant for people that are 

God of Comics – On Marriage in Life and Media

God of Comics – On Marriage in Life and Media

I’ve got a wedding coming up. Not one I’m officiating – I do that from time to time – but one where I’m tying the knot to a girl I met through the Vancouver geek community. I was on assignment, she answered a Craig’s list 

God of Comics – 100 Demon Dialogues

God of Comics – 100 Demon Dialogues

This is an odd one for me. I went down to Emerald City Comic Con in 2018, like I do pretty much every year. I love that con, and my friends know I go down there and one of them contacted me and said, “Hey, 

God of Comics – The Black Monday Murders

God of Comics – The Black Monday Murders

Black Monday Murders (Image Comics) I have a single issue with Jonathan Hickman as a writer. He’s good; this is something that needs to be said off the bat. He’s got good-to-great concepts, an interesting pace that makes his work addictive, a decent ear for 

God of Comics – Reefer Madness

God of Comics – Reefer Madness

Reefer Madness (Dark Horse Comics) It’s amazing the way effects of greed-based propaganda still linger. Here’s a collection of misinformation put out from the thirties through to the forties about the reefer, the marijuana, the weed… one of the most harmless things people have used 

God of Comics – Ice Cream Man #1

God of Comics – Ice Cream Man #1

Ice Cream Man #1 (Image Comics) Okay, we did an anthology comic on Monday, we can do another one… I’ve mixed feelings about anthologies, which is fitting given the mixture that anthologies of any sort are. Some stories are going to come across as stronger 

God of Comics – WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Special #1

God of Comics – WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Special #1

WWE Royal Rumble 2018 Special #1 (BOOM! Studios) I love wrestling. I’ve been a life-long fan, initially getting into it when I was five or six so that I’d have something to talk about with my father. He grew out of it, but I stuck 

God of Comics – The Shadow #6

God of Comics – The Shadow #6

The Shadow #6 (Dynamite Entertainment) I’ve been writing comic reviews for almost six years now. I started doing smaller reviews of more comics, then shrank it down to more in-depth reviews of fewer comics. I found myself repeating the same things regarding the same comics, 

God of Comics – Rose #7

God of Comics – Rose #7

Rose #7 (Image Comics) Ooo… fantasy trifecta. We’ve gone from a reconstruction of fantasy tropes with an eye towards gender identity and politics to a deconstruction of the cost of prophecy in both urban and classic fantasy worlds and come all the way to this, 

God of Comics – Birthright #30

God of Comics – Birthright #30

Birthright #30 (Image Comics) I love this comic. It’s such a good take on one of fantasy’s oldest tropes – the idea of the savior from another world turned on its head and made to suffer a truth that goes too long overlooked: leaving behind 

God of Comics – Rat Queens #7

God of Comics – Rat Queens #7

Rat Queens #7 (Image Comics) This comic consistently interests me. Yes, there’s a smog of weirdness behind the scenes that isn’t nearly what people think it is, was dealt with, and can be ignored. The people making this comic are exactly who they say they 

God of Comics – Batman: White Knight #4

God of Comics – Batman: White Knight #4

Batman: White Knight #4 (DC Comics) There are a lot of Batman stories out there. Why not start the new year off with one of the most original takes on a familiar franchise? Writer and artist Sean Murphy has a new sort of Batman story 

God of Comics – Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #4 (Image Comics)

God of Comics – Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #4 (Image Comics)

Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #4 (Image Comics) Hollywood is a vicious monster. Hunter Thompson once said, “The TV business is uglier than most things. It is normally perceived as some kind of cruel and shallow money trench through the heart of the journalism industry, a 

God of Comics – Tomb Raider: Survivors’ Crusade #2

God of Comics – Tomb Raider: Survivors’ Crusade #2

Tomb Raider: Survivors’ Crusade #2 (Dark Horse Comics) It’s another Tomb Raider comic, but that’s not a denigrating statement. Since the video game reboot, the comics have seen some talented writers hop on board – Gail Simone to start, video game writer Rihanna Pratchett to 

God of Comics – Genius Cartel #5

God of Comics – Genius Cartel #5

Genius Cartel #5 (Image Comics) All that build and that’s where you end it? The hell, guys? How long do I gotta wait for the next part? Why would you do this? Genius was a mini-series that came out years ago and was built around 

God of Comics – The Shadow #5

God of Comics – The Shadow #5

The Shadow #5 (Dynamite Entertainment) Leviathan. It’s a loaded word with massive spiritual, biblical, and philosophical undertones. Biblically, Leviathan was the largest creature created by God, a creature that lives in the ocean. In the Old Testament it’s an active force and swallows Jonah for 

God of Comics – the Wild Storm #10

God of Comics – the Wild Storm #10

The Wild Storm #10 (DC Comics) Wildstorm was everything great about nineties comics. Jim Lee art, wild conspiracies, super-beings who were all about the shades of grey, warring and secretive aliens, angels and demons, the occasional apocalypse, cool tech, vampires, werewolves, covert action, high concept 

God of Comics – Dark Nights: Metal #4

God of Comics – Dark Nights: Metal #4

Dark Nights: Metal #4 (DC Comics) I have got some opinions on Scott Snyder. Most of them are based on a fallacy. For years, I thought he wrote Hush, a comic that was better in theory than execution. It was an okay story that got 

God of Comics – Jughead: The Hunger #2

God of Comics – Jughead: The Hunger #2

Jughead: The Hunger #2 (Archie Comics) I’ve mentioned before that everyone has Archie comics somewhere. Growing up, they were unavoidable – even people that didn’t like comics had them. Even people that didn’t like comics had them. They percolated through houses and minds alike, infesting 

God of Comics – Judas #1

God of Comics – Judas #1

Judas #1 (Boom Studios) I’m Jewish. As I’m writing this, it’s ChaJewnakah and I’ll be lighting the second candle on my Hanukeah tonight. I mention this as a matter of context; Jews do not believe in the New Testament. We don’t think Jesus was the 

God of Comics – Grass Kings #10

God of Comics – Grass Kings #10

Grass Kings #10 (Boom Studios) Matt Kindt is quietly writing a quiet meditation on the quiet death of America’s dream. I know that’s a triple use of the word quiet, but it’s the only word that fits. The story here focuses on a small group 

God of Comics – Watchmen

God of Comics – Watchmen

The comics industry was in a weird place in the mid-eighties. The sixties and seventies were in the past, a decade on politics and a decade of self giving way to a decade of greed. The children of those two decades had come of age, 

God of Comics – Comic Publishers

God of Comics – Comic Publishers

So. I’ve been reviewing comics for the past five or six years, what with that whole God of Comics thing. I’m going to keep it going it a slightly more limited capacity – three times a week I’ll talk about whatever comics have caught my 

God of Comics – The Woods #36

God of Comics – The Woods #36

The Woods #36 (BOOM! Studios) It’s funny. This comic started at about the same time I started doing God of Comics, I think. It’s been a journey – a good one, a tragic one, a path that has let those who walked it be and 

God of Comics – Maestros #1

God of Comics – Maestros #1

Maestros #1 (Image Comics) Millennials get a bad rap. We’re the most educated and hardworking generation in the history of the planet. We’ve been trained, programmed, bullied, and finally enslaved by older generations, working for nothing or not enough to live on, forced into debt 

God of Comics – Atomahawk

God of Comics – Atomahawk

Atomahawk #0 (Image Comics) You know Heavy Metal Magazine, right? Back before older conservatives could blame video games or smartphones for their kids not being what they wanted them to be, they blamed comics. This resulted in the creation of the Comics Code Authority and 

God of Comics – Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #1

God of Comics – Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #1

Glitterbomb: The Fame Game #1 (Image Comics) The Industry is vicious. Let’s get that out of the way now. It’s vicious and arrogant enough to call itself the Industry, and anyone that works in it knows exactly what it looks like. You get offered good money 

God of Comics – Hi-Fi Fight Club #1

God of Comics – Hi-Fi Fight Club #1

Hi-Fi Fight Club #1 (BOOM! Studios) This comic makes me impossibly happy. Do you understand the weird lives of late-eighties and nineties kids? Caught between ever-increasing technologies? We were born to 8-tracks and were there when cassettes gave way to compact discs gave way to 

God of Comics – Genius: Cartel #1

God of Comics – Genius: Cartel #1

Genius Cartel #1 (Image Comics) Okay. So. Follow me on this. You’ll occasionally get a certain type of person that will say things like “You can’t abort those cells~! What if those cells grow up to be the doctor that cures cancer~?!?” or something along 

God of Comics – The Shadow #1

God of Comics – The Shadow #1

The Shadow #1 (Dynamite Entertainment) I’m never quite sure what to think of Dynamite Entertainment. On one hand, they do thoughtful looks at things like feministic theory set in a fantastic backdrop (the Gail Simone run on Red Sonja) or weirdly introspective time-travel heist stories about 

God of Comics – Redlands #1

God of Comics – Redlands #1

Redlands #1 (Image Comics) I don’t know a lot about this comic, not going into it. It’s being published by Image, it’s a horror book, and it’s being written and illustrated by Jordie Bellaire. That last one? That alone is enough to get me interested. 

God of Comics – Samaritan: Veritas #3

God of Comics – Samaritan: Veritas #3

Samaritan: Veritas #3 (Image Comics) And so ends another chapter in Matt Hawkin’s high stakes political thriller series. These books have always been about give and take, so the only thing we’re sure of going in is that there won’t be a happy ending. Our 

God of Comics – Girls Next Door

God of Comics – Girls Next Door

Girls Next Door (Web Comic) God of Comics. The name started as a joke – new comics come out on Wednesday, Woden’s Day, so we figured we’d have a little fun and speak for the All-Father. The implication, though, is we’ll cover anything that is 

God of Comics – Tomboy #12

God of Comics – Tomboy #12

Tomboy #12 (Action Lab Comics) Quietly, over in a corner that needs more light, Mia Goodwin has been writing a tragedy that is like nothing you’ve ever seen. Tomboy is a story about corporate greed and political corruption in a small town rocked by the murder 

God of Comics – Crosswind #2

God of Comics – Crosswind #2

Crosswind #2 (Image Comics) Fresh off the finale of the epic Lovecraftian-by-way-of-Scientology horror series Clean Room, Gail Simone is starting something new and a little more personal and equally as terrifying. I’m not sure why Gail has decided to delve into horror so much, but I’m 

God of Comics – Captain Canuck #1

God of Comics – Captain Canuck #1

Captain Canuck #1 (Chapterhouse Comics) I think I talked about this comic when it was initially re-released way back when. Issue number 3 is out today, by-the-by, and you should pick that up, too. Why am I focusing on this issue instead of that one? 

God of Comics – the Wild Storm #6

God of Comics – the Wild Storm #6

The Wild Storm #6 (DC Comics) We like to say that Warren Ellis is the best writer in comic today. Yes, he has his tropes and fallback techniques, the most egregious of which is writing interesting characters and complex stories. This is the guy what 

God of Comics – Mage: The Hero Denied #0

God of Comics – Mage: The Hero Denied #0

Mage: The Hero Denied #0 (Image Comics) Matt Wagner returns to the world of the Hero. These comics were everywhere when I was a kid and with good reason: they were so damn cool and they’re just as cool as they ever were. Check this 

God of Comics – Generation Gone #1

God of Comics – Generation Gone #1

Generation Gone #1 (Image Comics) So… we’re kinda fucked. Millenials and Xellenials, we’re kinda being destroyed by the people that came before us. Their greed and shortsightedness is basically costing us everything, and making sure there won’t be any generations after us. Boomers accuse us 

God of Comics – Spider-Gwen #21

God of Comics – Spider-Gwen #21

Spider-Gwen #21 (Marvel Comics) So, I was riding with a friend the other day and we got to talking about comics. It happens. We’re adults and geeks and it’s a thing we do. “Yeah, they just introduced their Wolverine-analogue in Spider-Gwen,” I said. This took 

God of Comics – Strong Female Protagonist

God of Comics – Strong Female Protagonist

Strong Female Protagonist (Web Comic) What, you thought we only talked traditional comics? Hell no. We’ve talked webcomics before, most notably discussing the evolving themes of Sinfest over the past seventeen years. Go us. Go Sinfest. To close the week we’re going to return to the bread and 

God of Comics – Shirtless Bear Fighter! #1

God of Comics – Shirtless Bear Fighter! #1

Shirtless Bear Fighter! #1 (Image Comics) We do a lot of deep delving here at Living Myth Magazine. We try to look at the impact and history of characters and story concepts, what they mean in the context of their time and what they add 

God of Comics – Crosswind #1

God of Comics – Crosswind #1

Crosswind #1 (Image Comics) It’s a brand new comic that we’re promoting sight unseen for one very important reason: Gail Simone. Gail is fresh off wrapping up Clean Room, a mind-bending exploration of themes that leaked out of Twin Peaks and Lovecraft and was one of the better 

God of Comics – Tomboy #11

God of Comics – Tomboy #11

Tomboy #11 (Action Lab Entertainment) Intended for mature audiences. No shit. Let us count the ways. Tomboy is a comic about a magical girl in the real world fighting government and corporate corruption. It’s a bloody mess that happens to be juxtaposed against a cute bright 

God of Comics – Injection #13

God of Comics – Injection #13

Injection #13 (Image Comics) As Warren Ellis settles into the third arc of Injection it becomes increasingly apparent that he’s going somewhere with this. I should have known this, but I had forgotten – Warren doesn’t do ongoing comics that drift off into whimpering messes, he does 

God of Comics – Little Nightmares #1

God of Comics – Little Nightmares #1

Little Nightmares #1 (Titan Books) I talk a lot about narrative structure here and pretty much everywhere else, too. Narrative and story are my thing, my over-riding passion and obsession, and a good chunk of where I cut my teeth learning about these things was 

God of Comics: Secret Empire #0 (Marvel Comics)

God of Comics: Secret Empire #0 (Marvel Comics)

Secret Empire #0 (Marvel Comics) I was going to review this, but Captain America is still a Nazi. He betrays everyone and don’t trust symbols and whatever. So. There’s your story. Nick Spencer writes a good yarn that’s based on pissing people off and I’m not 

God of Comics: Monstress #11

God of Comics: Monstress #11

Monstress #11 (Image Comics) It amazes me how many people have gotten into comics to read this title. It’s high-concept, story and art wise, the sort of thing that you wouldn’t expect people to go for, but the perfect mingling of every aspect of this 

God of Comics: The Forever War #3

God of Comics: The Forever War #3

Forever War #3 (Titan Books) The Forever War is one of those seminal science fiction books that everyone should read and I’m kinda glad it’s being turned into a comic – the more places this story is told, the better. Written back in 1974, the story 

Marvel, We Need to Talk

Marvel, We Need to Talk

Oh, Marvel. Your comics were doing so well. I mean, sure, you’d accidentally turned Iron Man into a villain with Civil Warand spent the better part of a decade trying to fix the damage you did there only to finally give up and hit the cosmic 

God of Comics – IDW Publishing’s TMNT

God of Comics – IDW Publishing’s TMNT

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. TMNT. Turtles that are mutants, teenagers, and ninjas. Or heroes, if you live in the United Kingdom. Do they have something against ninja there? Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. Whatever. We know who the Turtles are. Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michaelangelo. There’s 

God of Comics – Gail Simone’s Red Sonja

God of Comics – Gail Simone’s Red Sonja

Red Sonja is a weird character. That’s not to say that the character itself is weird. It’s simple enough – she’s the distaff version of Conan the Barbarian, and even shares a world with him (and Cthulhu, because Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft were 

God of Comics – Wolfenstein #1

God of Comics – Wolfenstein #1

Wolfenstein #1 (Titan Books) Feels like we were just talking about writer Dan Watters last week. What was he working on? Little Nightmares? Assassin’s Creed? No, no, it was the Shadow. I want you to take a look at that list, though. Those three comics and what the 

God of Comics – UFOlogy

God of Comics – UFOlogy

We’ve talked about how derisive people can be when talking about genre books before. There’s a dismissive attitude when it comes to science fiction or fantasy, which has more to do with the simplicity of the critique than the simplicity of the narrative. Sort of like what 

God of Comics – Hacktivist

God of Comics – Hacktivist

Hacktivism. A new and, for some people, weird concept. At it’s base, the idea is that if enough people are paying attention to a thing and are spreading enough real information about a thing, then that thing will be dealt with. People will get angrier 

God of Comics – the Punisher

God of Comics – the Punisher

The Punisher is a strange character. On paper, it looks simple enough – a war veteran named Frank Castle witnesses his family get killed as collateral damage in a shout out between rival gangs and swears revenge. Some depth was added to the character during 

God of Comics – Hawkeye

God of Comics – Hawkeye

Hawkeye is one of the strangest comics to ever come out of the Big Two. This isn’t a knock on its quality – we’re doing a full-on God of Comics on this title, and we’re doing it because this comic is amazing – but that 

God of Comics – Coffin Hill

God of Comics – Coffin Hill


God of (Indie) Comics – Super Sikh 001

God of (Indie) Comics – Super Sikh 001

So, every week we do a review of that week’s comics called God of Comics. It’s worked out really well for us, and there’s apparently some people that really enjoy it. Thing of it is, there’s a whole host of comics that don’t have major 

Big Dumb Event Crossover Comics

Big Dumb Event Crossover Comics

“Yeah, most of my comics money goes to Image, Boom, or Valiant these days,” the Hero of Time told me. We were walking around Big Pete’s Comics on Free Comic Book Day, looking for new titles to read. He was steering clear of everything Marvel 

Islamaphobia, Comics, and Kamala Khan

Islamaphobia, Comics, and Kamala Khan

This is why we talk a lot about comics. Stories are important, and comics do as much to inform our culture as anything else – maybe more, given how much pop culture draws from comics these days. Certain characters are important, and we keep saying 

A Thought Experiment: WCW and DC Comics

A Thought Experiment: WCW and DC Comics

So, while writing the God of Comics twitter feed this week and the following Afterthought, I got to thinking. It was not a terribly good thought, but it was one that made a lot of sense. Time Warner’s favorite source of creative properties, DC Comics, has been having some