God of Comics – Crosswind #6

God of Comics – Crosswind #6

Crosswind #6 (Image Comics) I love Gail Simone’s writing. It’s hard not to – she’s got a perfect understanding of how to start with basic character and weave in a larger narrative, creating heart-wrenching stories while adding unexpected but very sensible depth to those characters. 

God of Comics – Crosswind #1

God of Comics – Crosswind #1

Crosswind #1 (Image Comics) It’s a brand new comic that we’re promoting sight unseen for one very important reason: Gail Simone. Gail is fresh off wrapping up Clean Room, a mind-bending exploration of themes that leaked out of Twin Peaks and Lovecraft and was one of the better 

God of Comics – Gail Simone’s Red Sonja

God of Comics – Gail Simone’s Red Sonja

Red Sonja is a weird character. That’s not to say that the character itself is weird. It’s simple enough – she’s the distaff version of Conan the Barbarian, and even shares a world with him (and Cthulhu, because Robert E. Howard and H.P. Lovecraft were