My Jud@ism – The Choosing People

My Jud@ism – The Choosing People

I was born a Jew; I will die a Jew. My mom was Jewish and I was raised Jewish in a world where the word “religion” usually means “Christianity” and most people lump in my faith with that one and Islam, despite the philosophical differences 

Style vs. Substance – Fighting Games and Movies

Style vs. Substance – Fighting Games and Movies

Whenever some marketed narrative based media – video games, movies, comics, novels, et al – is successful there come a bevy of imitators that strive to duplicate that same success, but make a mistake when considering style vs. substance. Mostly, they focus on re-active marketing – 

Casual Kindness

Casual Kindness

Our passions and differences go a long way towards defining who we are and what we’re capable of – they are they very foundation of personal strength, and that is something that we need to remind one another of.  This is why I’m sick of 

The Death of Religion…

The Death of Religion…

I’m gonna piss some people off. That’s fine. It’s alright to be mad – religions have become one of the things we define ourselves by and use to explain the world around us. We believe, we have Faith, and there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s 

… and Faith from Ashes

… and Faith from Ashes

It’s been noted that physical laws tend to carry over from one scale to the next: the microcosm reflects the macrocosm. Ideas, information, and systems are all the same thing. Even we, as people, are made up of different kinds of information, be that information