LFGYVR – Gentlemen Hecklers present The Neverending Story
The Gentlemen Hecklers prepare to visit the classic Neverending Story. Childhoods may or may not be ruined.
The Gentlemen Hecklers prepare to visit the classic Neverending Story. Childhoods may or may not be ruined.
With the modern popularity of role-playing games in general and Dungeons & Dragons in particular, and the massive hit that is Critical Role, one might think that a six-year Vancouver-based ongoing live D&D campaign would be super popular, and one would be right. Led by …
Some movies are unwatchable garbage. It happens. We’ve seen a lot of them. Other movies are so bad they hit the other side of quality and become good again, just not in a way the auteur intended. We’ve seen a lot of those, too. And …
The Rio Theater feels like my home away from home. I’m there two or three times a month on average, and sometimes more. I got married there. It’s a cultural hub, the soul of the Vancouver creative scene, as much a part of the creative …
I have mixed feelings about improv. My love of narrative is well documented by this point. It’s sort of my entire thing; I like stories. I like characters and watching them develop, I like plot and how deftly it can be handled. These are the …
Six years. It’s been six years and every month the Gentlemen Hecklers have brought us the best of the worst. It’s an astounding accomplishment achieved by some outstanding people, though the roster has changed somewhat: one heckler felt the siren call of adulthood and got …
Last month was the end of an era. For almost six years, the Gentlemen Hecklers have done their level best to defend us from the worst must-miss craptaculars that Hollywood has seen fit to inflict upon an unsuspecting public, providing hilarious commentary to movies that …
There are some movies that could only possibly be made in the eighties. You know the sort: America flirting and deeply enmeshed in its love affair with racism, celebrating the stupidity and greed that America was seeing on the side, and adoring the big dumb …
Dungeons & Dragons is all the rage right now. It went from being a fun game that old and evil people used to demonize kids to gaining a sort of renaissance, finding wide-spread acceptance thanks to media like Stranger Things and Critical Role and just …
Are there finer examples of the creative genius the Rio Theater has fostered in Vancouver than Eric Fell and Patrick Mahlia? It’s a question asked only by those that don’t know any better. The answer is simple: No. No, there is no finer example. These …
Can anyone overstate the importance of Star Wars to geek culture – to culture in general? Star Wars laid the groundwork for the summer blockbuster, changing the cinematic landscape forever. It percolated into every aspect of the modern world, its language and scope becoming a …
The Rio is in danger, and we are the Rio’s only hope. There are some people that would like to demolish the Rio and replace it with Condos that no one can afford to live in, as Vancouver continues to struggle against a future where …
It was always weird to me that lady comedians would get a bad rap. I’ve been an insomniac since I was a kid, and sneaking downstairs to watch the comedy channel in the basement was something I’d do often. I don’t remember many names, but …
Ah, Twilight. Does it deserve the hatred it gets? There are various people I have a great deal of respect for that have become, if not apologists for it, then at least more open to the idea that it isn’t awful. It’s spawned some pretty …
There’s something great about watching masters at work. Vancouver has some of the best and weirdest storytellers you’re likely to find anywhere – the city is a tapestry of artists and madness, where anything can happen at any time. You’ve got actors, writers, musicians, players, …
Rarely in life, you might get a chance to see something utterly unique. It is the sort of chance that, when taken, will change you. Your life is clearly marked by this event: there was the you that existed before that moment, and the you …